Ginman, Lindén & Päivärinne: Double Blind
ääni / liike / interaktio!
Koko tapahtuman ajan.
Kasöörinkatu 3 / Topparikuja 2, sisäpihan alikulku.
Double Blind: Karolina Ginman - Photo: Lasse Lecklin |
Esiintyminen: Karolina Ginmanin
Sävellys & äänisuunnittelu: Markus Lindén & Aki Päivärinne
Ensi-ilta 30.11.2013
Double Blind is an installation performance that combines sound art, interaction design and movement. The artwork is created not only by the artists but also by those who view, listen and experience it. In addition, the basic elements of stage arts - sound and space play curious, not only metaphorically said, roles in it.
Ensi-ilta 30.11.2013
sound / movement / interaction!
Double Blind is an installation performance that combines sound art, interaction design and movement. The artwork is created not only by the artists but also by those who view, listen and experience it. In addition, the basic elements of stage arts - sound and space play curious, not only metaphorically said, roles in it.
Throughout the whole happening.
Kasöörinkatu 3 / Topparikuja 2, underway in the yard.
Performance: Karolina
Composition & sound design: Markus Lindén & Aki Päivärinne
Premier in 30th of November 2013
Premier in 30th of November 2013
Kuvia teoksesta Voices of the Small -tapahtumassa 6.-7.9.2014
Valokuvat: Hanna Råst
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